2024 Distance Teaching & Learning (DT&L) and Summit for Online Leadership and Administration + Roundtable (SOLA+R) July 22 - 24, 2024
Click here to submit!
Proposals are due by January 12
Proposals are expected to highlight a deeply relevant topic and explore trends and developments in our field, share innovative solutions, disseminate research, explore emerging or best practices, and/or examine controversial ideas which evoke debate and discussion.
Proposals will offer learning outcomes/goals and a clear plan to engage the audience, and will denote a particular presentation format as well as content “level” (i.e. foundational, applied, or strategic).
Proposals should include the names of all speakers at the time of submission.
Presenters are expected to have knowledge and significant experience in online learning and must include complete contact information for all presenters.
Proposals by corporate members must include a current UPCEA institutional member as co-presenter. Information about UPCEA membership is found here.
Selected presenters are responsible for all expenses incurred in conjunction with the event including registration, housing, and travel. There is no speaker discounts.
The proposal system cannot path questions based on responses so all users will see specific questions on workshop and research sessions regardless of their selections.
There will be approximately 5-10 workshops (1.5 hr) and 55-60 concurrent sessions (1 hr). A projector, screen, laptop, and internet access will be provided; presenters will be responsible for any printed handouts (if desired). Digital copies of presentation materials will be collected from presenters in advance of the conference for dissemination via the event app.
Unlike other UPCEA conferences, speakers do not need to be an UPCEA member to propose a session at the event, however, in creating a user ID, speakers will have the ability to join their institution’s UPCEA member roster.
Conference organizers reserve the right to revise presentation titles, designate a conference track, combine sessions, or edit the description of selected presentations for promotional and program publications.
Proposals will be selected to ensure the event offers a comprehensive, noncommercial, objective, and diverse program. Attention will be given to diversity of institutions, presenters, and geographic location.
All proposals will be peer-reviewed and evaluated on these criteria:
Practical methods and techniques that others can use and apply
Clear learning goals and key takeaways
Relevance to the field of distance education and online learning
Depth of knowledge conveyed related to distance teaching, learning, and training
Inclusion of evaluation data and/or established theoretical models
Evidence of successful outcomes or lessons learned
If your proposal is accepted, you agree:
to register for the conference by April 29
to provide electronic versions of presentations, materials/handouts for attendees by June 26
to attend a training session (dates TBD)
that if stated deadlines are not met, the conference organizers reserve the right to select an alternate presentation in its place.
Submission Tasks
UPCEA is the online and professional education association. Our members positively impact millions of lives by continuously reinventing higher education. We advance the professional field through cutting edge research, professional development, networking and mentorship, conferences and seminars, and stakeholder advocacy. Our collaborative, entrepreneurial community brings together decision makers and influencers in education, industry, research, and policy interested in improving educational access and outcomes.
1 Dupont Circle, Suite 450 Washington, DC 20036
Phone 202.659.3130
Fax 202.785.0374